Best Coin Magic

Best Coin Magic

Here are simple enchantment traps that you can perform with ordinary coins and cash. They are for the most part ideal for tenderfoots.
You grasp four coins. As you close your hand and open it once more, a solitary coin has vanished.
A large portion of this evaporating coin trap depends on a shrewd contrivance that you make heretofore. Your gathering of people will be wowed with an alternate method to influence a coin to vanish.

Evaporating a Coin With Rings

Figure out how to evaporate a coin in this speedy trap.You show two rings, a playing card, and a coin that are perched on a bit of paper. The rings and playing card are stacked over the coin. At the point when a ring and the card are evacuated, the coin has totally evaporated. With two or three rings and a playing card, you can without much of a stretch influence a coin to vanish.